About kariobrien

Technopile financier out to discover the limits of what's possible and help businesses pioneering the far reaches of our global economy.

Congressman Jared Polis: Before TechStars Were Stars

Bytes of Rice

There are two path to venture capitalist – the first I’m currently on as I look for a summer internship before starting an MBA in finance.

The second in a far a rockier road that starts with an idea…

In February, Startup Grind DC had the honor of hosting Congressman Jared Polis (cofounder of TechStars, ProFlowers, BlueMountainArts.com). Often the tech and entrepreneurship community can feel overshadowed by the power and influence emanating from The Hill. While “Hill people” cloister in elegant Senate offices and old-style bars bowing off of K street, the area’s entrepreneurs coalesce in warehouses converted to coworking spaces and dive bars papered with stickers from former next-big-things.

It’s a seismic event, then, when the DC tech and Hill communities can come crashing together over a double-threat like they did last February with Congressman Polis. Rep. Polis has been serving Colorado’s 2nd district since 2009. Prior to becoming…

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Fireside Chat with SmartThings Founder Alex Hawkinson

Bytes of Rice

There’s this thing everyone in tech is talking about, this “Internet of Things, this idea where suddenly everything we touch and use and see and turn on is connected. This “Internet of Things” is supposed to be the next wave, and surfing high on that wave was our January speaker, Alex Hawkinson.

$300 to Live Like Bill Gates

SmartThings is billed as a “smarter home” solution. Imagine this: You are laying in bed and as you awaken, your Jawbone wristlet sends a signal to your home center. The blinds open gently. You’re greeted by a voice letting you know your coffee is brewing, the towel warmer is heated, but your kids are still sleeping soundly. At $55 million Bill Gates spared no cost for his smarter home. SmartThings is revolutionizing the market charging only $300 for a DIY version.

The SmartThings kit isn’t a “smart home” plug-in – it’s more…

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